About the Project

About the Prometheus Project

Welcome to the Prometheus Project—a bold experiment in creativity, problem-solving, and (hopefully) a little inspiration. This started as a simple idea: tackle one project per week for 30 weeks. The goal? Build (a lot of) something(s) new, share the journey, and see where it leads.

But let’s be honest—plans evolve. While the original timeframe was around 30 weeks, if you enjoy following along, I’ll probably keep writing. For now, it’s as simple as lather, rinse… 

One project. One week. Repeat.

Why “Prometheus”?

Prometheus, the mythical figure who brought fire to humanity, is the perfect namesake for this journey. He embodied creativity, courage, and a drive to empower others. That’s the energy I’m bringing to this project—igniting ideas, solving problems, and sharing the process so others can run with it too.

Why a .Ninja Domain?

If you’re wondering about the domain, well… after all of the usual options (.com, .ai, .io, etc) weren’t available, “ninja” just felt right. Ninjas are resourceful, agile, and always up for a challenge. That’s the kind of vibe I want this project (and the people who follow it!) to have. So, ninjas, ready to join me on this journey?

Anyone following the Prometheus Project is officially a ninja—problem solvers, builders, and curious minds who don’t just stand on the sidelines but dive in to make things happen.

What’s the Plan?

Each week, I’ll pick a project to build. Some will be small—simple solutions to niche problems. Others might be seeds of larger ideas. Many will lean heavily on AI, either as a core tool or in the building process.

The point isn’t perfection or even profitability (bonus points if either of those two are achieved as well though). It’s about creating something useful, documenting the journey, and sharing what I learn along the way. In the (paraphrased) words of Kevin Costner a creepy disembodied voice speaking to Kevin Costner:

If you build it, they will come. 

… In a world where so much desk work feels like shuffling things from place to place, I’m putting my faith in the act of creation itself. Building something of value will *always* be worth something. Or at least that’s my bet.

Guiding Principles

1️⃣ Create value, and the rest will follow. Each project is about delivering something genuinely useful. I believe firmly in “show, don’t tell.”

2️⃣ 20-hour timebox. I’ll build as much as I can in a limited time each week, then share the progress and lessons learned—no secrets, no holding back, no worries if it’s not perfect.

3️⃣ Not every project is about *profit*, but… Some ideas are just fun, some might have a future, and sharing them widely helps reveal what’s worth pursuing long-term. Why put all my idea-eggs in one basket, right? By building and sharing a variety of small projects, I’m taking a shotgun approach—testing many ideas quickly rather than going all-in on just one entrepreneurial (ad)venture.

What Makes This Different?

I believe in my ability to build whatever I set my mind to—with a lot of determination, a little creativity and yes, the help of AI. My superpower? Imagining solutions to problems (big or small), having the willpower to chase them, and solving things for others who might be too stubborn to try.

Yes, I may fail. But failure is part of the process, and I’m okay with that.

What’s in a (Code)name?

Each project in the Prometheus Project gets its own codename, which is used as the title of each build post. Why? Because codenames are fun. They add a little intrigue and mystery to the process, and let’s be honest—who doesn’t love feeling like they’re part of a secret mission? 

The full set of intended projects is showcased in the word cloud below. Some names will make sense once you see the final result; others might stay cryptic forever (or, frankly, never get built). Either way, the codenames are a playful way to keep the journey exciting, both for me and for you ninjas following along.

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning. Each week, you’ll see updates on the latest project, lessons learned, and resources you can use to build your own ideas.

So sharpen your tools, ninjas—it’s time to get building.